Snežienkova 1/A, 971 01 Prievidza SR
The nearest date: According to you
Venue: Company in-house training
Length: 2 days
Price: On request

Course objectives

The objective of the training is to clarify the requirements of cyber security in accordance with Act no. 69/2018 Coll., and acquaintance with the requirements of the standard ISO / IEC 27001:2022.

Course content

Day 1: Information security according to the ISO / IEC 27001:2022 standard:

  • What is information security
    • Cyber threat trends
    • IS assets and their valuation
    • Vulnerabilities and risks
    • Security requirements
  • ISO / IEC 27001:2022 standard
    •  Contents
    •  Annex A
  • Examples - Documentation
    • Information security policy
    •  Risk analysis
    • Risk elimination measures
  • Discussion


Day 2: Law and Cyber Security:

  • Act 69/2018
    • Competence of the authorities in the field of cyber security,
    • National Cyber Security Strategy and the Unified Cyber Security Information System,
    • Status and obligations of the basic service provider and digital service provider,
    • Organization and scope of CSIRTs,
    • Education and security awareness building,
    • Control mechanisms and sanctions.
  • Decree no. 362/2018 laying down the content of security measures
    • Content and structure of documentation
    • Information classification and categorization of networks and information systems
    • Precautions
  • Discussion
    •  Comparison of requirements for the creation of documentation according to ISO / IEC         27001:2022 and according to the Cyber Security Act

Additional information

Training Schedule - Open Public Online Term          
Testing the training connection from 07:45 *
Training program 08:00 - 12:00
Lunch break 12:00 - 12:30
Training program 12:30 - 14:00
Processing a case study / test       after 14:00

* UTC +1 time zone (DE, BE, DK, NL, NO, SE, AT, ES, FR, IT, SI, SK, CZ, PL, HU, ...)

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+421 908 345 320 Training question

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