Snežienkova 1/A, 971 01 Prievidza SR

Improving performance

Highly qualified experts will help you with the planning, design, implementation and management of production systems, service distribution and ensuring their reliability and sustainability. We optimize logistics processes and number of job positions, improve quality and supply capacities. At the same time, we reduce product costs and process time.




We offer you a selection from a long-proven portfolio of improvement projects. The choice of a suitable project depends on your current situation in order to improve the selected indicators and gain an edge over the competition.

Manufacturing companies: 

We will help you set a strategy, implement management systems and increase overall performance. We will help you increase efficiency, eliminate losses and reduce costs directly in production.


In the area of services, we will reduce the time needed to process the order, optimize the flow of information together with human resources and increase the quality of services provided.



Creating a functional process model is one of the basic conditions for effective internal development of the company. By identifying and describing processes, you will establish order in your company and by measuring process performance indicators you will be able to constantly improve performance.




In today's competitive environment, only functional and efficient companies with established and stable processes have a chance to succeed. When we look at customer expectations, they most often demand adherence to exact deadlines, low price, required quality, reliable service and problem solving. We will help you increase efficiency and simplify your processes so that you exceed the requirements of your customers.



The projects provide an opportunity for immediate improvement of selected indicators at the level of the whole company. It's a way to increase productivity with minimal input costs compared to several times higher investments in innovative equipment. A common problem for companies is the unconceptual implementation of individual methods or their application to irrelevant processes. We will help you conceptually apply individual methods and thus achieve the indicators you require.



In the current situation with a lack of human resources, it is effective in selected cases to use an interim manager who has experience in the field and can orient himself almost immediately in the new environment. The interim manager is most often used in the event of a situation such as a failure of a key employee, lack of qualified staff, implementation of a new project, retirement of an employee due to long-term incapacity for work or maternity leave. Interim manager is often used for rapid implementation of changes and crisis management, when he can effectively implement the necessary changes in practice without disrupting relationships in a stable team of employees. Reasons to use an interim manager:




When to use counseling?


In case that the development of your company has stopped

There may be several root causes for slowing down or stopping a company's development. It can be, for example, congestion and gradual burnout of people, winning larger orders, which will burden the company to such an extent that there is no time left for further development, slowing down cash flow and much more. For every company, long-term stagnation is unsustainable - society must always grow or fall. Using generally accepted methods, we will help you identify the root causes of stagnation, suggest possible solutions and then put them into practice.

In case there is a lack of inspiration and new ideas

If you lack inspiration and find it difficult to enforce changes in the company's ossified structures, it is high time for innovation and change. We will help you go through the demanding process of enforcing change thanks to objective analyzes and facts supporting change. Subsequently, we will jointly lead the change project until its successful implementation.

In the event of a large increase or decline in the company

Large fluctuations in the company's turnover require prompt changes and solutions with regard to the current situation. We will help you optimize and fine-tune processes so that you can adapt more easily to fluctuations.

In case you need to compare the performance of your company with the market

Corporate blindness often limits a realistic view of the state of society. At the same time, we reveal problems that may arise and that many companies are consciously overlooked. We can use specific methods to evaluate current market opportunities, your position and help you design appropriate measures.

In case you need to reduce costs or solve capacity problems

Many companies are currently bothered by capacity problems. These are mainly human resources, both practitioners and managers. We can provide you with external moderators, coaches and instructors in temporary management mode to help you handle current issues. At the same time, we can lead projects to reduce costs and eliminate losses.


How the cooperation work?

At the very beginning, a management meeting will take place, where areas of change and expectations are defined. Subsequently, a detailed analysis will be performed, the output of which are proposals for project implementation, estimated results and the probability of successful implementation. At the same time, we provide several variants of problem solving, which we submit to the company's management.

After the decision of the management and the selection of a suitable project, a detailed feasibility study will follow, on the basis of which suitable tools and methods will be chosen to address the issue.

We offer you several possibilities of cooperation:


1. A rapid increase in performance and a radical reduction in the company's costs is aimed more at companies that need an immediate solution to the current situation.

Main goals:


2. Systematic and stable increase of performance of the company, which is stably established on the market. These are companies that care about sustainable development, are building their brand and plan to become one of the major players in the market in the long run.

Main goals:

How much will it cost?

We offer several financing options. Everyone can decide on the optimal option that will be the most acceptable and the least burdensome for your company. You will decide only after performing the input analysis, which is charged at a reduced rate. After completing the analysis, you will have several opportunities for savings and improvements with the expected values after the successful implementation of the project.


  1. Model – % rate of achieved results during 6 - 12 months.
  2. Model – flat-rate remuneration for work performed in the form of consultation mandates.
  3. Model – reduced % rate of achieved results over a longer period of 2-3 years together with the provision of regular support for project maintenance.


The specific amount of remuneration is always defined individually based on the potential of the project and the scope of implementation. Added value remains even after the implementation of the project and the correct setting of the implementation team can achieve an affordable price for small and medium-sized businesses.


What methods will be used?

The consultants master and practically apply generally accepted methods in the areas of process management, lean management, six sigma, production management, quality management and human resources management. Because each project is unique, in most cases a unique combination of methods is used to solve it.

We will communicate the chosen methods and procedures with you and you will have all the steps explained in advance. At the same time, we will draw your attention to possible additional investments associated with the implementation of the project and possible risks.


What are the benefits of successful project implementation?

The results of each project are diverse, as each company is specific and its situation changes dynamically. However, thanks to the input analysis, we can assume the complexity and results of the project, which in most cases are realistically achieved. Because we work with risks in the input analysis that may negatively affect the outcome of the project, we often eventually manage to exceed customer expectations.


Examples of successful project implementation: